5 Untold SEO Tips in 2016
When it comes to SEO = Search Engine Optimization, everyone is looking for new tips & real techniques to improve their overall search engines’ ranking and particularly ranking in Google. From a marketing prospective, SEO is still alive and will be forever, because search engines mostly rely on the content published by authors/bloggers & companies. However, there are new algorithm updates every another day released by major search engines such as Google, which makes the small business owners & bloggers unhappy, because they have to slightly change their SEO strategies as per the new changes. And thus, many bloggers/webmasters try to search for updated tips/techniques on the internet, so in this regard, I came up with 5 untold SEO tipswhich can help you targeting your goals in SEO. Remember, I’ve always been a white-hat SEO guy who’s never used any black-hat or unethical ways to improve search engine rankings after Google Algorithms Panda (in 2011) and Penguin (in 2012). In fact, you should never be afraid of any algorithm if you are doing your best in a natural way to make humans happy & satisfied instead of only targeting the search engine bots which never understand the feeling of a real human. To make it easier for you, I’ve recently experimented some best SEO practices (on-page & off-page), which I’m sharing with you throughout this post.
5 Untold SEO Tips in 2016
Reviewed by Unknown
8:45 AM
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